Tuesday, January 27, 2015


Tender moments.

I love teaching so much! It's definitely an adventure sometimes, but there are always little moments that make everything worth it!

On Sunday night, we were walking home from dinner with our Branch President and his family. I saw one of my students, Annie, wearing huge pink ear muffs and walking with her mom, so I waved and said hello! Immediately, Annie ran into my arms, gave me a huge hug, and said, "Teacha Dani!!! I Annie from your class!!" I replied, "I know Annie!! How are you?!" We continued to talk for a few minutes and she was just so excited to see me out of school and to know I still remembered her. It was adorable!

Monday at school, Annie ran up to me and said, "Teacha Dani! How do you spell 'I like you'? I told her how to spell it and then a second later she slipped a paper into my hand that said, 'I like you. Love, Annie' it was so cute!! I told her I liked her too and I was so glad she was in my class. She smiled from ear to ear all day long!

I also loved Monday because my kids sprinted up to me and all gave me huge hugs and told me they missed me over the weekend! They're so sweet! Ethan actually jumped into my arms and ripped my pants with his coat zipper, but I don't even care because he was just so happy to see me and I felt the same way!

My cute students also told me they thought I could be one of their mom's! Haha they kept saying, "You look like Bien's mom! Can you be my mom?" It was so sweet!!

I love China, I love teaching, and I love hugs! (Especially from cute Chinese kids!) Happy Tuesday!

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like you are having lots of fun. I love reading your posts.
