Tuesday, January 20, 2015


Saturday was McKayla's birthday!!! She's 20 now!

Saturday morning, Mickey and Belle were kind enough to take us to Xinjekou which is in Central Nanjing! It was exciting to actually see downtown and be immersed in the culture! When we got off of the metro, we were underground. We walked just a few blocks (still underground) and then to our left there was a HUGE opening with flashing lights and mirrors! It was the entrance to the underground mall! Xinjekou has a two floor, underground mall with probably 50+ hallways FULL of stores! It felt similar to an underground ant hill! The mall was exciting because you could barter with the shop owners and get things for way cheaper than they were marked. Jess got giant Pokemon footie pajamas, tons of girls got coats (warm winter coats for only 30 American dollars!), and more!

Mickey and Belle took us to their favorite restaurant for lunch which was on the third, outdoor, floor of the mall! We all had these bowls of chicken, peppers, soup, and rice on the side! When our group of 22 walked into the restaurant manager yelled out the window "backup, we need backup!!" Of course, it was in Chinese, but Mickey translated it for us! :)

Saturday night, we had delicious noodles for dinner and then all of us went to KTV, which is karaoke! We got a VIP room because we had 20 people and it was awesome!  We sang for two hours straight and my voice is still somewhat hoarse! We sang everything from P!nk to One Direction to Shakira to Katy Perry and more! It was so fun!

Today, we woke up and left for Church at 8:15! It was an hour and a half metro ride with two transfers to get from Yangshangongyuan to An... Church was on the second floor of a hotel and it was great! I love knowing that the Gospel is the same, no matter where you go and it is always true! Our branch has about 40 people in it (we doubled the congregation!) There are three families with kids, five English teachers, and then some other single brethren and three couples. Everyone is really sweet and it really feels like a family! I'm so grateful for the opportunity I had to take the sacrament! They're going to give us all callings and home teaching and visiting teaching assignments, so that will be a fun adventure!


We rode the metro back from Church and stopped in Xuezelu so some of the girls who didn't save food for Sunday could get dinner. We went to a pulled noodle shop and got to see the chef pull the noodles with his fingers! It was incredible! We're definitely going to go back on another day and I'll be getting some!
I love the Gospel, I love China, I love blessings!  & I am VERY blessed!  Hooray for teaching & adventures tomorrow!

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