Monday, November 9, 2015

Whoops . . . but Thankful.

How embarrassing...

My China diary was discontinued as a result of lack of internet service and too many fun adventures.  

Also, my down time in China was spent on many more things which I consider important, even life changing.  (So I guess it's not so embarrassing) 

Instead of summarizing my whole six months in China (That would be literally impossible),

I'll start fresh.  

I'm still one little girl, in one {big} world.  

As I lived in China, I realized the world isn't as big as I assumed.  It's a small world, connections are close, and God is watching out for us, always.  

I'm thankful to know God. Even though sometimes we struggle with our relationship (my fault, definitely not His), I'm grateful to know that we do have a relationship and I can improve my part of the relationship each day as I try to be better.  

I'm thankful I was able to live in China for six months, teach wonderful students, and love a culture I was completely unfamiliar with at first.  

I'm thankful for accommodation and assimilation.  

I'm thankful for my sweet husband who face-timed me every single day while I was in China, sometimes for hours on end. 

I'm thankful for all of the sacrifices he made and makes to make our marriage happy.  

I'm thankful he moved from his dream school to come to SUU with me.

I'm thankful he has a scholarship at SUU.  

I'm thankful he still liked me after six months of only face timing, enough to marry me just a month and a half after we got home.  

I'm thankful he proposed to me with an opal ring.

I'm thankful for his kindness, his passion for things, his love, his vision, his testimony, his heart.  

I'm thankful to know we can be a family forever.

I'm thankful to know we are sealed to each other for eternity.

I'm thankful for goals.  

I'm thankful for the opportunity to set goals with my husband which help us improve.  

I'm thankful for love, not the first married or first dating kind of love.  Love that is still there after my overly sarcastic remarks, my failing to get ready for the day (or week), disappointments, and sickness.  

Love isn't really what I thought it was. That was just the tip of the iceberg..and honestly, the tips of icebergs melt quite quickly.  Love is the deep stuff, the stuff that lasts for centuries - forever, the stuff that no one knows about you but the person you love - and not because you told them - because they can just tell.  

I'm thankful for a husband who can just tell.  

I'm thankful for that deep into the iceberg love that only gets deeper and deeper over time.  

I'm thankful I love my life.  

That's enough for tonight folks, but just know, I'm thankful.  And not because it's November.  It's just been too long since I've stated some of the things I'm thankful for. 

As Winnie the Pooh would say, 
TTFN {Ta Ta For Now}

~Mrs. Gish

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